[xmca] What Does the Russian Say?

From: David Kellogg <vaughndogblack who-is-at yahoo.com>
Date: Thu Sep 18 2008 - 17:56:29 PDT

Dear xmca Russophones:
Our study group here in Seoul is trying to create a new Korean translation of "Thinking and Speech". We're VERY weak in Russian so we're trying to get at the original by comparing translations, especially Norman Minick's "Thinking and Speech" and Luciano Mecacci's "Pensiero e Linguaggio".
And that's the problem. At the beginning of Chapter Two, Minick's got this:
"The research of Jean Piaget represents a new stage in the devleopment of theory concerning the speech and thinking of the child; a news stage in the development of theory concerning the child's logic andworld view. His work is of substantial historical significance.Beginning with a new persepctive on the problem, and using the clinical method he developed, Piaget ahs carried out profoundly insightful investigations of the child's logic. Piaget himself, in concluding the second of his works, clearly and precisely noted the significance of his approach in the study of this old problem.
But here's Mecacci (I'm translating roughly from the Italian):
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Received on Thu Sep 18 18:46 PDT 2008

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