Re: [xmca] follow up to human learning textbook request

From: Michael A. Evans <mae who-is-at>
Date: Sun Apr 27 2008 - 08:55:50 PDT

Wanted to thank those who made recommendations over the list and off...

I've decided to use the Handbook for the Learning Sciences (possibly along
with Rogoff's Apprenticeship in Thinking or Vygotsky's Mind in Society) +
readings in a more advanced course on learning in social contexts (cscl)...

As for the introductory course, I've decided to go with online chapters from
How People Learn + readings + this:

Nineteen Scenarios from Everyday Life
Gerhard Steiner
Universität Basel, Switzerland
Translated by Joseph A. Smith
(ISBN-13: 9780521478007 | ISBN-10: 0521478006)

I thought the Steiner text was a wonderful find as it fills the
theory-to-practice requirements I have for the course...I am especially
looking forward to reading Chapter 5: " Michael remains a troublemaker - of
operant conditioning and the perils of reinforcement"...

Thanks, again, to those who offered suggestions...


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Received on Sun Apr 27 08:56 PDT 2008

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