[xmca] good programs I saw at AERA

From: Peter Smagorinsky <smago who-is-at uga.edu>
Date: Mon Mar 31 2008 - 06:50:39 PDT

In response to Mike's inquiry, I'd highlight the following programs. Carol
Lee's talk was really terrific-an outstanding synthesis of her work on
cultural modeling along with some new ideas she incorporated.

cd4b> Wallace Foundation Distinguished Lecture: Carol D. Lee


Session Type: Symposium


Unit: Presidential Session


Scheduled Time: Tue,
light_box_id=43319&PHPSESSID=d18f7b836f5847af61948fb79a02cd4b#box_tag> Mar
25 - 2:15pm - 3:45pm, Building/Room: Hilton New York / Grand Ballroom, Grand
Ballroom West, 3rd Floor


Presenter on individual presentation:
48fb79a02cd4b> The Centrality of Culture to the Scientific Study of Learning
and Development: How an Ecological Framework in Educational Research
Facilitates Education's Civic Responsibility


Also, a group of very impressive young African American scholars put on a
terrific program:



Scheduled Time: Wed,
light_box_id=39109&PHPSESSID=d18f7b836f5847af61948fb79a02cd4b#box_tag> Mar
26 - 2:15pm - 3:45pm Building/Room: Hilton New York / Nassau Suite A, 2nd
Title Displayed in Event Calendar: Language,
af61948fb79a02cd4b> Literacy, and Liberation: Exploring Our Civic
Responsibility to Students' Language Rights in 21st Century Urban Teacher

Session Participants:

f5847af61948fb79a02cd4b> Black, Looking Back: Race, Language, and Power
With African-American Students in Harlem

F. Kinloch (The Ohio State University)

f5847af61948fb79a02cd4b> "Teacher, Why You Still Be Doin' That?"

Richardson (The Ohio State University)

f5847af61948fb79a02cd4b> "Something to Brag About": A Sociolinguistic
Perspective on Urban Adolescent Black Males and Literacy

E. Kirkland (New York University)

f5847af61948fb79a02cd4b> "Down for the Ride but Not for the Die": Theatre as
Language for Urban Youth

T. Fisher (Emory University)

Chair: Arnetha
F. Ball (Stanford University)


Discussant: Jeffrey
M. R. Duncan-Andrade (San Francisco State University)



This symposium offers four studies that examine language in urban contexts.
Each study explores the richness and complexity of the setting, its actors,
their goals, and available cultural tools that interact to expand and shape
how urban youth construct meanings. Importantly, for this symposium, each
study recognizes the promises and challenges of developing new, critical
pedagogies from students' languages for instructional and liberatory
purposes. However, the aim of this symposium is not merely to present new
instructional ideas on minority languages and literacies. It also seeks to
introduce radical inquiry into the ways teachers and teacher educators think
about language and literacy in general by shedding light upon our abiding
civic responsibility to understand and shape schools around all students'
words and worlds.


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