Fw: Professorship in Informatics

From: Victor Kaptelinin (vklinin@informatik.umu.se)
Date: Thu Sep 18 2003 - 04:13:18 PDT

                            is available at

                      DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS
                           UMEA UNIVERSITY
                           UMEA, SWEDEN

The Department of Informatics invites applications for a position as

                      FULL PROFESSOR IN INFORMATICS.

Informatics is a social science subject that studies the use of information
technology and how such technology should be designed and applied in an
appropriate way. Informatics includes the study of the utilization of infor-
mation technology in organizing the work of government and businesses, de-
scription and analysis of work routines, specification of technical require-
ments and design and implementation of systems solutions, human-computer
interaction, information technology as a medium for communication, support
for learning and teaching by information and communication technology, the
experiences of the individual by and through information technology, mobile
information systems and phenomena and applications in relation to the use of
global networks such as digital business, virtual communities and virtual

The duties of the position are to do own research, to supervise PhD
students, teach and conduct research projects. An important task is to
initialize externally funded research projects at the department.
Administrative tasks may also occur.

To be qualified for the position the applicant has to prove his or her
authority as a researcher and teacher (Regulations for Swedish universities
4th Chapter 5§).

As the basis for forming a judgment, ability as a researcher will be taken
into account in the first place and ability as a teacher in the second
place. In addition, attention will be paid to other abilities such as the
ability to manage research activities and direct personnel. (Regulations
for Swedish univer-sities 4th Chapter 15§).

Umea University is an equal opportunity employer and women candidates are
encouraged to apply.

The university's salary policy involves negotiation on an individual basis.
The position also includes extensive social benefits (e.g. health insurance
and education). Further information on living in Sweden is given by the
Swedish Institute


The department has approximately 50 faculty, 25 graduate students and 350
undergraduate students. The atmosphere is collegial, encouraging individual
responsibility and group participation at all levels. Opportunities are good
for interdisciplinary collaboration with other departments and faculties at
Umea University. Department faculty members have strong and ongoing collabo-
ration with research groups in Sweden and the rest of the world. The
university is one of the larger in Sweden, with about 4800 faculty and
staff, and 25,000 students. Research and education activities are
developing at a rapid pace, and the university offers a broad range of
technical and scientific resources.

A presentation of the research and the department is found at our web site

The city of Umea has a little more than 100,000 inhabitants, and it is the
administrative and cultural center of northern Sweden. Its economic and
social center is the university. Umea offers many cultural and recreational
possibili-ties. Cultural offerings include an opera, a symphony orchestra,
international jazz and film festivals, rock music, theatres, many art
galleries, as well as fifteen first- and second-run film screens. Umea's
climate and landscape are northern but relatively mild. Recreation is
available year round with a focus on outdoor activities, such as hiking,
fishing, skiing, climbing, and skating. Good communications link Umea with
the rest of the world. Stockholm is only an hour by air. The web site

has more information about Umea.

We encourage all interested applicants to submit the following information
in English:

- letter of application
- account of your activities as a researcher
- a research plan, describing the research you intend to undertake at our
- account of your activities as a teacher
- account of your activities concerning information on research, development
  work and co-operation with parties outside the university

The application should be accompanied by the following documentation:

- curriculum vitae showing scientific and educational work, management of
  research and personnel, development work and co-operation with parties
  outside the university and other professional activities,
- legible copies of scientific work to be reviewed.

Four copies of the application should be sent. Your personal record,
attested copies of certificates and scientific reports should be attached
numbered according to your publication list.

The evaluation procedure for candidates is formalized by Swedish law. The
procedure includes an evaluation committee and judgements by three external
experts. All candidates compete in the evaluation process. The Rector of the
University decides who should be appointed based on the recommendations by
the evaluation committee Accordingly, evaluation may take a couple of months
after the expiration date for applications.

For further information how the documentation should be structured and other
questions on the position please contact the head of the department Kenneth
Nilsson, tel. +46 90 786 56 30 or +46 70 325 33 44,
Kenneth.Nilsson who-is-at informatik.umu.se.

The Application should be sent to Registrator, Umea University
SE90187 Umea, Sweden.

Applications for the position must be received
Refer to the position number 311-2214-03.

* * e-mail: *
* Kenneth Nilsson * Kenneth.Nilsson@informatik.umu.se *
* Department of Informatics **************************************
* Umea university * Tel.: +46 (0)90 786 56 30 *
* S-901 87 Umea, Sweden * Fax: +46 (0)90 786 65 50 *

---------- End Forwarded Message ----------

* * e-mail: *
* Kenneth Nilsson * Kenneth.Nilsson@informatik.umu.se *
* Department of Informatics **************************************
* Umea university * Tel.: +46 (0)90 786 56 30 *
* S-901 87 Umea, Sweden * Fax: +46 (0)90 786 65 50 *

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