Molly writes:
>Foucault's Archaeology of Knowledge has seemed to me to be relevant in
>these conversations.
could you speak more about this? i'm wondering how you see F. relevant
to these conversations? are you speaking of emergence in particular?
> I salute CHAT practitioners because they persist in
>trying to 'map' process in such detail. "Playing" with metaphors has
>seemed a bit more safe to me.
do you mean that the mapping process is more rigorous - disciplined -
than - but here, i don't know what you mean by "playing" ......
i'm not making the leaps to keep up with you.
* * * * * * * *
* *
The English noun "identity" comes, ultimately, from the
Latin adverb "identidem", which means "repeatedly."
The Latin has exactly the same rhythm as the English,
buh-BUM-buh-BUM - a simple iamb, repeated; and
"identidem" is, in fact, nothing more than a
reduplication of the word "idem", "the same":
"idem(et)idem". "Same(and) same". The same,
repeated. It is a word that does exactly what
it means.
from "The Elusive Embrace" by Daniel
phillip white
university of colorado at denver
denver, colorado
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