CREATE Professorship

Mike Cole (mcole who-is-at
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 10:32:28 -0800 (PST)

Please distribute this announcement far and wide. We need help!

Here is the job posting for the Comm.Dept./CREATE opening. Please
forward this posting to any and all sources of interest.
Thank you.


The UCSD Department of Communication plans to appoint a senior faculty
member (Associate Professor to Professor) starting with the 2000-2001
academic year. The faculty member appointed to this position will be
affiliated with UCSD's new Center for Research on Educational Equity and
Teaching Excellence (CREATE)and will be expected to do research in the
San Diego/Tijuana region. Therefore we especially seek scholars who
study communication processes in relation to diversity and equity
issues. This interest can be expressed in a variety of theoretical and
empirical domains, including the influence of race, class, gender and
national identity on educational achievement, technology as a
transforming and stratifying practice, communication practices in
classrooms, schools, and communities. The successful candidate will
teach at least one course per year that supports CREATE.

For department information see: and

Salaries are in strict accordance with UC pay scales. Send vita,
statement of research and teaching interests, and names of 3 references
by January 15, 2000, or until the position is filled to:
Mike Cole, Recruitment Committee Chair (CBB), Department of
Communication (0503), UCSD, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0503.
If non-citizen, state immigration status. EOE/AAE.