Re: Left-handers and learning

Phil Graham (pw.graham who-is-at
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 01:44:25 +1100

Tane's got me wondering about the ambidextrous stuff now ... Vera's
cognitive pluralism is obviously a much more vast and fertile area for
research than I would ever have suspected.


At 06:55 11-02-99 -0600, you wrote:
>Some research that I saw in a Inclusive Schooling class I took,
>pointed to a the degree of translation of left handed person
>needs to do. The statistic of being more proned to accidents
>relates to the left handed person needing to translate the right
>handed world into his/her left handed reality. From a
>evolutionary perspective this delay in reaction can be very
>dangerous. Like Phil I am very suspicious of broad
>generilizations of left handedness leading to addiction, but I
>am left handed and an ex addict. My inclination is there may be
>some general that can be realized in a variety of ways with
>addiction being of the destructive variety. In the U.S. a very
>high percentage of our Presidents are left handed.
Phil Graham
pw.graham who-is-at