One article called "Interstitial Argument" is in Grimshaw, A. (1990).
_Conflict talk: Sociolinguistic investigations of arguments in
conversations._ NY: Cambridge.
Another called "Cooperation and competition across girls' play
activities" is in Todd, A.D. & Fisher, S., Eds. _Gender and discourse:
The power of talk._ Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
She published a related book as well, but it's name escapes me at the
Hope this helps,
Artin Goncu wrote:
> Does anybody know of any work which looks at the connections between
> features of children's culture and the type of play in which children
> engage? More specifically, is there any work describing the ways in which
> features of oral traditions appear in children's play? We would appreciate
> it greatly any help you can offer. Thanking you in advance,
> Artin
> Artin Goncu, Ph.D
> Associate Professor
> Coordinator, Early Childhood Education
> (312)996-5259