> >What is agent-based programming?
> >Vera
> Basically, agent-based programming utilizes *delegation* (as opposed to
> direct-manipulation) as a control mechanism in programming. Alex Repenning
> provided a nice explanation of the distinction in:
> Repenning, A. (1994). Programming substrates to create interactive
> learning environments. _Interative Learning Environments_, 4, 45-74.
> ---Tim
You might have an easier time accessing
Repenning, A. and Sumner, T. (1995). Agentsheets: A medium for
creating domain-oriented visual languages. *Computer, 28*, 17-25.
The classic reference to this type of programming (without the
term "agent based") is M. Resnick's *Turtles, Termites, and Traffic
Jams: Explorations in Massively Parallel Microworlds."
from MIT Press.