Socio-cult constraint (Baby boomers)
Francoise Herrmann (fherrmann who-is-at
Fri, 26 Apr 1996 09:25:03 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Jay, Hi everyone, Just one thought about the power of the Middle-age
group that you were referring to, while I am really agreeing with
much of what you said about inter-generational relations. I wonder
two issues: 1> to what degree the power of the middle age group is really
an American and European phenomenon. That is when you consider different
societies and cultures where elders have much stronger power than what
you describe for here (and I would think or Europe too). and 2> to
what degree the power of the midlle age group is a factor of demographics.
That is the Baby Boomer post WW2 generation is now the middle age group
and the biggest group, soon to be the biggest elder group.
Francoise Herrmann
fherrmann who-is-at
And PS. Are hugs correlated to optimism? If so lots more hugs...