A small no. of researchers (sociolinguists, discourse analysts, Japanese
anthropologists, researchers with a literature and genre analysis
background, educational researher--myself :-)) here in Hong Kong are going to
form an informal research group on comics and comics reading practices
among youngsters in Hong Kong. We'll look at Japanese comics and cartoons
in Hong Kong in particular. I would like to know if any of you out there
are engaged in similar projects or have similar interests, and if so, it
would be nice to have an informal
e-mail discussion group formed around this subject...
please reply to me if you're interested, and we'll see how we can get
things going... and here's my e-mail address: ENANGEL who-is-at CITYU.EDU.HK
Angel Mei Yi Lin
Assistant Professor
Dept of English
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Ave., Kln.
Hong Kong
Fax: (852) 2788-8894
Phone: (852) 2788-8122
E-Mail: ENANGEL who-is-at CITYU.EDU.HK