Re: Quack! Quack! Quack! (2)

KEN GOODMAN (kgoodman who-is-at CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU)
Wed, 17 Apr 1996 10:03:28 -0700 (MST)

It may or may not surprise you that I agree with you on langue and parle.
Do you or Halliday have a reaction to the letter being circulated by 40
Mass linguists re reading and whole language?
Have you seen it?
Ken Goodman

On Wed, 17 Apr 1996, James Robert Martin wrote:

> Francoise,
> As an alternative to aligning language with the cognitive and parole with
> the social, we could follow Hjelmslev or Halliday and treat parole as the
> instantiation of langue - parole as the weather and langue as the
> climate to use an analogy Halliday has suggested. Then langue, the
> system, and parole, its instantiation in text (or process if we want a
> dynamic view) can both be read as social (or social/psychological if you
> will). I think this kind of re-reading of Saussure would interface
> linguistics with activity theory much better than a cognitive vs social
> split.
> Jim Martin