It reminded me, as it might remind us all, of the terrific burden we
put on our non-native-English speaker/writer/readers. My thoughtless
use of SRCD yesterday bespoke this same unspoken set of assumptions.
In case I didn't get the message, a note from an xmca friend this
morning brought home the point locally.
This issue is on my mind also since it appears that the Russian Student
Association at Moscow U is actually getting things organized, and my
concerns about how they were going to deal with language issues. It
is on my mind because in seeking to make the journal, XMCA, international,
we have to find some way to pay for translations. We found an Angel for
the Latour piece coming up. Our Japanese colleagues got their text close
enough so that we could work editorially in English. We are working with
others in this way.
But the langauge assymetries are a problem impeding joint work.
I have no solutions to offer on xmca except to note my special thanks to
the non-native-English speakers who take the trouble to read and comment
in these discussions.
Anyway, its an issue worth being re-minded of.