Re: Geoff's conference

Geoffrey Williams (geoffrey.williams who-is-at
3 Apr 1996 18:30:42 +1000

Reply to: RE>Geoff's conference

OK, Mike, I'll definitely undertake to report on aspects of the conference,
and perhaps other xmca-ers will also do so. Fran Christie has planned a
publication from the conference, to be published asap.

A book which is relevant to the conference theme will be published by
Cassell/Pinter in the northern summer. It is a collection of Ruqaiya Hasan's
articles on language and social practice, many of which are difficult to
access. Hasan has been one of the language theorists most concerned to
investigate how language can be understood to contribute to processes of
cultural transmission/reproduction such as Bernstein's theory considers. The
book title is Ways of saying, Ways of meaning, and it's edited by Cloran, Butt
and Williams. Sorry I don't yet have the ISBN.

Date: 3/4/96 4:49 PM
To: Geoffrey Williams
From: xmca who-is-at

Geoff-- It seems like the conference in australia involving bernstein
and functional linguistic theory willl be well worth you and other
folks reporting back to XMCA. There is a high level of conceptual
overlap among these different discourses, and sorting some figure
from ground, or signal from noise sure would be informative.!

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