from King Beach

Mike Cole (mcole who-is-at
Fri, 2 Feb 1996 17:31:20 -0800 (PST)

LONG, but I believe of broad interest.
Program of the Cultural-Historical Special Interest Group of the American
Educational Research Association, 1996 Annual Meeting, NY, NY
Program Co-Chairs: King Beach, Michigan State University
Carolyn Panofsky, Rhode Island College

Business Meeting Panel: Vygotsky Centennial: Directions for the Future

James V. Wertsch, Washington University, St. Louis
King Beach, Michigan State University
Jerome Bruner, NYU
Joseph Glick, CUNY
Vera John-Steiner, University of New Mexico
Luis Moll, University of Arizona
Eugene Matusov, UC, Santa Cruz
Carolyn P. Panofsky, Rhode Island College
Barbara Rogoff, UC, Santa Cruz

Paper Session: Language, Situated Learning & Social Identity: Education in
(Co-Sponsored with the Language and Social Process SIG)

Chair: Carolyn Panofsky, Rhode Island College

Narrative, Selfhood & Literacy in Kindergarten
Deborah Hicks, University of Delaware
Hope Longwell-Grice, University of Delaware
Melanie Chadwick, University of Pennsylvania

Language, Political Mobilization, and the Construction
of Ethnolinguistic Identity in South Africa
S. Nombuso Dlamini, Ontario Institute for Studies in

Let's Get Situated!: The Paradox of Ahistoricity of
Sociohistorical Constructivist Discourses
Jennifer Vadeboncoeur, University of Colorado, Boulder

Reading Classrooms: Matching Sociocultural Theory with
Practice in Studying British School Literacy
Colin Mills, University of Exeter

Discussant: David Bloome, Vanderbilt University

Symposium: Truth, Justice and the Postmodern Way
(Co-Sponsored with the Semiotics SIG)

Chair: Stephanie U. Spina, Harvard University

Art as social semiotic: Critical and cultural perspectives and
their implications for education
Stephanie Spina, Harvard University

Did Sir John Mandeville Give a Lift to Jack Kerouac, Hitching
a Ride on the Road to Cathay?
Gary Shank, Northern Illinois University

Reading Ethnographically: The Reader as Flaneur
Peter McLaren, UCLA

Symposium: Learning the Genres of History Through Group Inquiry

Chair: Gordon Wells, OISE

Community as Concept and as Lived Reality
Karen Hume

Media, Register, and Genre in Classroom Learning
Jay Lemke, CUNY

Stories Behind History: Presentation and Conarration of a
Search for Knowledge
Clotilde Pontecorvo, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza"
Alessandra Fasulo, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza"
H. Girardet, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza"

The Object in Learning and Teaching History
Gordon Wells, OISE

Symposium: Participation and Mediated Action in Learning: A Dialogue
Between Two Sociocultural Approaches

Chair: James V. Wertsch, Washington University

The Use of Models as Mediational Means in School Science
Kevin O'Connor, Clark University

Participation and Mediation in After-School Settings
Bill Penuel, Prevention Interventions

Observing Learning in Participation in Sociocultural
Barbara Rogoff, UC, Santa Cruz

Participating in Dialogic Classroom Interaction Routines:
Speech Forms for Discussion as Tools for Practice
Chikako Toma, UC, Santa Cruz

Gender Differences in the Appropriation of a Social
Language: A Study of the Rhetorical
Moves of Boys and Girls in School Science
Donna Trousdale, Clark University

Discussant: James V. Wertsch, Washington University

Roundtable Session: Cultural-Historical Theory and Research in Education I

Development-Oriented teaching in Upper-Secondary school:
Interactions Between Teaching Form and Student Motives
Seth Chaiklin, University of Aarhus

A Cultural-Historical Alternative to the Construct of Transfer
King Beach, Michigan State University

Negotiating Boardwalk: Emergent Mathematics in Children's
Game Play
Steven Guberman, University of Colorado
Irene Rahm, University of Colorado, Boulder

The Balancing Act of Collaboration
Claire Buchwald, UC

Roundtable Session: Cultural-Historical Theory and Research in Education II

Teamwork as Interplay of Voices
Yrjo Engestrom, UC, San Diego

Dictionary Use as a Window on Social History and the Process
of Reading
Shu-Pei Liao, Michigan State University
Tat Ming Sze, Michigan State University
King Beach, Michigan State University

To Buy or Not to Buy: Individual and Group Motives in
Children's Play of a Board Game
Debra Menk, University of Colorado, Boulder

Knowledge-building in the Construction Zone: An
Elementary School Becomes a Community of Learners in
Andrea Mueller, University of British Columbia
Karen Meyer, University of British Columbia

Roundtable Session: Cultural-Historical Theory and Research in Education III

How Parents' Perceived "Future" of Their Children Influences
Children's Learning of the
Korean Language at a Korean Saturday School
Hye-Sook Park, Michigan State University

Linking Conceptualization and Research on the Development
of Intersubjectivity in Socially Distributed Cognitive Activity
through a Study Involving Group Text Writing
Activity in Japanese Elementary School Community
Chikako Toma, UC, Santa Cruz

Transmission or Discovery of Knowledge: Vygotsky and
Modern Approaches to Instruction
Yuriy Karpov, Touro College

Collaboration and Technology: A Case Study of How Tools
Shape Group Decision Making and Thinking
Lia Di Bello, CUNY

Roundtable Session: Cultural-Historical Theory and Research in Education IV

Developing Theoretical and Motives in History Teaching: A
Case Study of a Boy's Development
Mariane Hedegaard, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Humanizing the School: Sociocultural and Existential
Perspectives on Dialogue, Human Connectedness, and the
Teacher-Student Relationship
Angel Lin, OISE

Teaching for the Management of Plurality
Willem Wardekker, Free University, Amsterdam

The Interaction of Roles, Values, and Working Methods
Vera John-Steiner, University of New Mexico

Roundtable Session: Cultural-Historical Theory and Research in Education V

Art in Educational Settings: A Cultural-Historical Perspective
Marcelo Lima, University of Illinois

Emotion and Education: The Contribution of Henry Wallon
Elvira Lima, UC, Santa Barbara and CEPAOS, Brazil

Cognition Taken Outdoors: Multiple Identities Among 4-Hers
Irene Rahm, University of Colorado

Cognitive Individualism: An Impediment to Teachers'
Collaborative Intellectual Work
Myriam Torres, University of New Mexico


King Beach Phones: (517) 353-0637/7863
Sociocultural Research Group Fax: (517) 353-6393
448 Erickson Hall Email: kdbeach who-is-at
CEPSE, College of Education Server: SCRG who-is-at
Michigan State University Web:
East Lansing, MI 48824-1034 USA /Groups/SocCult/SCRG.html


King Beach Phones: (517) 353-0637/7863
Sociocultural Research Group Fax: (517) 353-6393
448 Erickson Hall Email: kdbeach who-is-at
CEPSE, College of Education Server: SCRG who-is-at
Michigan State University Web:
East Lansing, MI 48824-1034 USA /Groups/SocCult/SCRG.html