Here is the info about Sociocultural Conference in Geneva in September 1996.
I'm not responsible for errors of my scanner :-)
Eugene Matusov
IInd Conference for Sociocultural Research, September 11-16, 1996
P. Bourdieu, S. Brice-Heath, J.-P. Bronckart, J. Bruner, A. Cicourel, M.
Cole, F. Cordon, P. Freire, J.-B. Grize, J. Habermas, J. Ki-Zerbo, T Nathan.
L. Obukhova, D. Olson, B. Rogoff, R. Rommetveit, G. Salomon, L. Seve, D.
Sinha, N. Tajima.
General Chair: B Schneuwly (e-mail for info: schneuwl who-is-at
Sympofg, 7, Av. Pictet-de-Rochmont, 1207 Geneva
Tel.: (+41 22) 786 37 44; Fax (+41 22) 786 40 80
CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Deadline December 31, 1995
List of invited symposium
Section 1.
How to define human development?
Constructivism and social interactionism=20
Rythm, emotion, affect and development=20
Social interaction and development=20
What is a "genetic" explanation?=20
Cognitive schemes and pragmatic schemes
Section 2.
Activity. action and operation=20
Psychological tools=20
Semiotic systems and semiosis=20
Semiotic systems and mental functioning=20
The concept of (semiotic) mediation=20
Phylogenesis, sociogenesis, microgenesis and ontogenesis=20
Contribution of hermeneutics to a psychology of action=20
Narratives and identity=20
"Cognitive metaphors" and explanation in human sciences
Section 3.
How to "objectify" "cultural effects"?
How to replace the concept "socio-cultural"?
Gender and personal identity=20
Narrative and identity=20
National and social belonging=20
Individual; social and national identity=20
Formal logic, natural logic and social logic=20
Social representations and construction of knowledge=20
Collective memory=20
Methodological problems of the analysis of social representations
Section 4.
Educational systems and social representation
School failure in a socio-historical perspective
Modalities of learning in school
The zone of proximal development: the relationship between education and
development Re-education and revalidation=20
Clinical intervention in the sociocultural perspective=20
Literacy and knowledge about language
A. Alvarez (Madrid); J.-P. Bronckart (Geneve), A. Clemence (Geneve); P.Del
Rio (Madrid), A.-N. Perret-Clermont (Neuchatel), M.-N. Schurmans (Lausanne &
J. Wertsch (Clark University).
A.-C. Berthoud (Lausanne)t G. Berthoud (Lausanne).J. Brun (Geneve); A.
Bullinger (Geneve); P Centlivres (Neuchatel). M. Dabene (Grenoble); P.
Dasen (Geneve); W. Doise (Geneve); M. Fayol (Dijon); J.-L. Gurtner
(Fribourg); Ph. Meirieu (Lvon);
F. Oser (Fribourg). Y Preiswerk (Geneve); M. Saada-Robert (Geneve); M.
Schwartz (Geneve), A. Stetsenko (Berne), M. von Cranach (Berne), J. Voneche
(Geneve), B. Voutat (Lausanne)
E. Balibar (France); F. Carugati (Italie); R. Castel (France); Y. Engelstrom
(Finlande); F. Laplantine (Belgique), R. Rojo (Bresil); D. Paez (Espagne), T
Akhutina (Russie);
E Rockwell (Mexique), G. RUckricm (Allemagne); P Tulviste (Estonie), J.
Valsiner (USA), R. Van der Veer (Pays-Bas).
Fees: 250 FS; Students 100 FS; after June 1996: respectively 300 FS and 150=
Special formula for participating at both Conferences (Piaget-Vygotsky and
The Growing Mind) can be obtained at the following address:
Sympofg, 7, Av. Pictet-de-Rochmont, 1207 Geneva
Tel.: (+41 22) 786 37 44; Fax (+41 22) 786 40 80
The scientific programm committee invites researchers to send proposals
which correspond to one of the four themes of the Conference.
Paper session (20 minutes papers): The proposal should contain the title.
author's name and address and a summary of 250 words (a floppy disk is
required). Suggestions can be made for integrating the paper in an invited
symposium (see the list) or for creating new symposia.
Poster session: The proposal should contain the title, author's name and
address and a summarv of 250 words (a floppv disk is required).
The proposals will be selected through a review process by the scientific
programm commitee.
Deadline: 31 December 1995.
Les langues officielles de la Conference seront le fran~ais; l'anglais et
The official languages of the Conference wil be French; English and Spanish.
All the proposals and requests for inscription formula should be sent to
B. Schneuwly=20
Faculte de Psychologie et des Sciences de=20
9, route de Drize=20
Eugene Matusov
UC Santa Cruz