
BPenuel who-is-at
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 23:46:35 -0500


I believe the reference I cited was actually in Eugene's message-- he may be
able to answer your question.

My own conclusions are drawn primarily from data I collected as an evaluator
of youth programs designed by teams of youth and adults. What is evident
from these evaluation studies is that young people who attended a conference
that was collaboratively planned by youth and adults developed deep
bonds of friendship that were facilitated by the youth-friendly
activities designed by the youth-adult team. Without the
youth input to the design and planning, many of the activities
would have been over-structured and not have allowed for
deeper discussions to take place. Moreover, many of the youth
found the legitimation of their voices a great opportunity
to work through their own issues with authority generally
and with specific issues such as race and sexual orientation.

Bill Penuel
139 Holly Forest
Nashville, TN 37221
(615) 646-9682