Re: Affirmative Action (ctd.)

worthenh who-is-at
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 19:43:50 -0800

Francoise Herrmann wrote:

>>"Rosaldo told the audience a simple story that he said goes straight to
the heart of the Affirmative Action debate. It was about a man in the
military who had 20 vacant positions to that he needed to fill. Two of
the positions were set aside for members historically underrepresented
minority groups. The 18 positions were filled, then the two minority
positions were filled.
'As it turned out' Rosaldo said, 'there were 200 people who felt that
they had been displaced by the two postions [!].<<

Wasn't this in the Oct 16 issue of The Nation? In an article by C.J. Chivers,
a former Marine Corps infantry officer and now reporter at the Providence
Journla-Bulletin, called "Looking for a few good (black) men"?

Helena Worthen