using xmca discourse

Mike Cole (mcole who-is-at
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 11:48:53 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Geoff Williams-- thanks for recycling the issue of citatation outside
of xmca. There has been discussion of this issue over the years and we
really ought to have it in the documentation that goes to new members. I
will look into that.

And perhaps others who have formulated explicit procedures could post
their experiences for discussion in the present context.

One of the interesting things about xmca (formerly xlchc) discourse
is that it turns up in all sorts of places, sometimes implicitly, sometimes
explicitly. When specific messages are cited, the convention is to
ask for permission to cite. So far as I know, permission is routingly
given, but there may be expceptions where a person feels that the
comments are out of context or would just as soon see them sink into
obscurity. It seems to me that the spirit of such citing ought to be
constructive or it would corrode discussion.
