[Xmca-l] Re: Transformative learning / perezhivanie and learning
James Ma
Mon Dec 11 06:10:35 PST 2017
On the face of it, all learning entails perezhivanie, with the latter
speaking itself through the former in terms of, e.g. learning dispositions
or temperaments. I think what would be really interesting to look into is
the nuance and subtlety of perezhivanie in the process of transformative
learning (which I alluded to while I was writing an article for Social
Semiotics in 2015 but I didn't use the term because that time the English
translation of "perezhivanie" was under heated discussion within the XMCA
*James Ma* *https://oxford.academia.edu/JamesMa
<https://oxford.academia.edu/JamesMa> *
On 11 December 2017 at 09:07, Ulvi İçil <ulvi.icil@gmail.com> wrote:
> Would anyone like to have a comment on the basic probable differences on
> these two in terms of adult learning from experiences? ( I know that
> perezhivanie is not so much used for adults, this is a question which can
> be read as "If it could have been used...")
> Transformative learning too seems to involve a lot about the experience,
> emotion, cognition, imagination etc
> What may be missing primarily in transformative learning that could be
> compensated by perezhivanie?
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