[Xmca-l] Pozenavatel'naya

Ulvi İçil ulvi.icil@gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 13:12:04 PDT 2015

Dear all,

I quote this concept
from Leong's and Bodrova's book Tools of Mind as it is written there.
I could not be sure if this is a correct writing of the word in the book,
if there is not any misprint. Can anyone please confirm or correct? I could
not even be sure if I should write the term with or without the sign ' .
The authors state that the concept is about curiosity, but the English term
does not give the meaning in the Russian.
Perhaps, the closest is inquisitiveness, reflecting intelelctual curiosity,
as is mentioned in the authors' book.
Finally, may there be any study, in English, French or Spanish on the
Russian concept?

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