[Xmca-l] Re: Resending LSV/ANL on crisis in ontogengy
Andy Blunden
Fri Mar 20 20:28:18 PDT 2015
Huw, what I think is distinctive about SSD for child development, as
opposed to adult personality development, is that there is still a
significant biological process of maturation and growth going on which
constantly challenges social arrangements. This is not the case for
adults. An adult can get a job when they leave school and stay in that
job for life, except that the *social* arrangements keep challenging the
Also, I don't think all this is best conceived in terms of *cognition* -
there are a lot of other psychological processes involved.
*Andy Blunden*
Huw Lloyd wrote:
> As a unit, 'SSD' should be referring to conditions which are
> necessary to go through for the subsequent 'unfolding'. But SSD as a
> referent to all important (and less important) stages can easily
> become overly abstract.
> For the fundamental developmental situations, we are looking for
> conditions under which the nature of cognition changes, so milder
> situations like career progression are not in the same category.
> The way I think of this is that the child's old form of social support
> is no longer suitable. Not only is the support deemed to be too
> restrictive, but the semantic interpretation that the child places
> upon the old form of support is experienced as being 'wrong'. When
> the two year old says "no", I suspect that s/he may sometimes be
> saying "no, you've got it wrong". The child certainly seems to
> communicate similarly complex expressions such as pushing an object
> out of sight, pulling it back and then smiling at an adult as if to
> say, "Isn't that amazing, it was still there!" or, perhaps "Look, I
> made it reappear!"
> An adult version of that semantic difficulty is perhaps evident in the
> shift of meanings between formal and genetic/dialectical materialist
> logic. The terms abstract, generalisation, ideal, material,
> universal, concrete, unit all have different meanings along with many
> other differences, hence the old way of knowing may interfere with the
> natural progression.
> Huw
> On 21 March 2015 at 00:47, Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net
> <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>> wrote:
> I think Huw put the alternative interpretation of Leontyev's words
> very well. There *is* a difference there, but it is not as
> profound as at first sight.
> I don't agree with the cast David has put on my view though. It is
> precisely in understanding the crises as being transitions between
> SSDs which is where SSD is invaluable as the unit.
> In general of course it is true, that a unit shed light on a
> specific problem, and is not the key to everything.
> Andy
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Andy Blunden*
> http://home.pacific.net.au/~andy/
> <http://home.pacific.net.au/%7Eandy/>
> David Kellogg wrote:
> ... he set out the necessity of different units of analysis
> for different problems (which is why I agree with Andy that
> the SSD is an
> adequate unit of analysis for SOME problems but not for the
> crisis). He
> says that even in kids like Huw's, who experience no apparent
> crisis, we
> can observe that particular periods appear to stand out
> against more stable
> periods in three respects:
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