[Xmca-l] Re: Watch "Venezuelan Protests: Another Attempt By U.S.-Backed Right-Wing Groups To Oust Elected Government?" on YouTube
David Preiss
Mon Feb 24 14:39:56 PST 2014
I am not going to reply ironic or personal attacks. Not in a list that has a dialogical purpose and spirit such XMCA. I trust Amnesty International, HRW, and I am also getting news from PROVEA in Venezuela (Spanish required). I have a concern for civilians. News are not good. We are misinformed for many reasons.
Just for the record: I am not a fan of Leopoldo Lopez either.
Enviado desde mi iPhone
El 24-02-2014, a las 19:30, "info@arto.me" <info@arto.me> escribió:
> "Independent human rights organizations"? Right, you must enjoy
> drinking Leopoldo Lopez's Kool Aid.
> I share this illuminating article by Max Blumenthal on Lopez, the great
> democratic hope of Venezuelan capitalists:
> http://maxblumenthal.com/2014/02/who-is-leopoldo-lopez/
> On 02/24/2014 05:14 PM, David Preiss wrote:
>> I will leave you the last word here as regards the political analysis
>> but will keep trusting the word of independent human rights
>> organizarions, specially those with observers on the ground. (And,
>> certainly, Stalin is not my guy.)
>> Enviado desde mi iPhone
>> El 24-02-2014, a las 18:46, Ulvi İçil <ulvi.icil@gmail.com>
>> escribió:
>>> Dijo Guevara el hermoso, viendo al África llorar: en el imperio
>>> mañoso nunca se debe confiar
>>> Silvio Rodriguez
>>> *
>>> I remember Stalin quoted to say, opening a world map in front of
>>> him on the table, after the 2nd WW, indicating to US and other
>>> imperialist powers and pointing to the red part of the world map
>>> where socialist constructions were under way:
>>> "They will never admit this, never".
>>> And he was right.
>>> Imperialism can never be trusted, never.
>>> Is it not US and other imperialism which caused tens of millions
>>> of dead? Is it like a joke that many people mention crimes in the
>>> Soviet Union etc, when they think to crimes against humanity and
>>> tend to forget about these two imperialist world wars, besides many
>>> others, Viet Nam.
>>> It is a complete a brain washing mechanism to close the way to
>>> humanity for a historical emancipation from imperialism and
>>> capitalism. By this, they say, "socialism is as bad as capitalism,
>>> so there is no successful exit from capitalism and imperialism.
>>> You are condemned to capitalism".
>>> Ulvi
>>> 2014-02-24 23:26 GMT+02:00 Peter Farruggio <pfarruggio@utpa.edu>:
>>>> Don't underestimate the determination and cravenness of US
>>>> imperialism. Similar to Ukraine,this is a classic right wing coup
>>>> in the making
>>>> http://www.globalresearch.ca/venezuela-cia-and-u-s-defense-intelligence-agency-calling-for-armed-clashes-bloodshed-to-justify-military-intervention/5357989
> ________________________________________
>>>> From: xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu
>>>> [xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu] on behalf of Langer-Osuna,
>>>> Jennifer Marie [jlangerosuna@miami.edu] Sent: Monday, February
>>>> 24, 2014 9:19 AM To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity Subject:
>>>> [Xmca-l] Re: Watch "Venezuelan Protests: Another Attempt
>>>> By U.S.-Backed Right-Wing Groups To Oust Elected Government?"
>>>> on YouTube
>>>> Here's a blog that has some videos from Venezuela:
>>>> http://caracaschronicles.com/2014/02/19/19f/
>>>> Jennifer M. Langer-Osuna, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of
>>>> Teaching and Learning University of Miami School of Education and
>>>> Human Development 222-H Merrick Building Coral Gables, FL
>>>> 33124-2040 Off: (305) 284-3206 Fax: (305) 284-6998
>>>> -----Original Message----- From: xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu
>>>> [mailto: xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu] On Behalf Of David
>>>> Preiss Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 10:08 AM To: eXtended
>>>> Mind, Culture, Activity Cc: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
>>>> Subject: [Xmca-l] Re: Watch "Venezuelan Protests: Another Attempt
>>>> By U.S.-Backed Right-Wing Groups To Oust Elected Government?" on
>>>> YouTube
>>>> There are THOUSANDS of pictures in Twitter and facebook. Search
>>>> "Tachira" in Twitter search, for instance. You can find there
>>>> images of army planes flying over protestors, paramilitary
>>>> shooting at people, protest violence and barricades, police
>>>> shooting at residential compounds and so on. And of course
>>>> political satire and people fighting each other verbally. Or
>>>> just search for Venezuela there. Indeed as most of the media are
>>>> censored there a large part of the info is coming out from
>>>> Twitter. That's why they shut down internet in San Cristobal.
>>>> Once there you will find the most popular hashtags used for both
>>>> sides.
>>>> Enviado desde mi iPhone
>>>> El 24-02-2014, a las 11:52, "Glassman, Michael"
>>>> <glassman.13@osu.edu> escribió:
>>>>> One of the interesting things to consider, at least to me, is
>>>>> the role
>>>> of the Internet and sharing of information. There have been
>>>> competing articles on Venezuela and also for that matter the
>>>> Ukraine. The different streams of information in themselves are
>>>> fascinating and really speak to growing needs to be able to
>>>> organize and differentiate information across topics. But what
>>>> seems missing from the Venezuela story are the pictures - the
>>>> Twitter or Youtube public documentation of large, spontaneous
>>>> protests (there are these types of pictures from the Ukraine
>>>> which is one of the reasons perhaps people have taken it more
>>>> seriously - although I am having a harder time finding good
>>>> information on the meaning behind what is happening). I wonder
>>>> if a new initial hurdle for taking these types of movement
>>>> towards change seriously are these types of easily available
>>>> visual images that are not easy to manipulate.
>>>>> Michael ________________________________________ From:
>>>>> xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu
>>>>> [xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu]
>>>> on behalf of David Preiss [daviddpreiss@gmail.com]
>>>>> Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 8:50 AM To: eXtended Mind,
>>>>> Culture, Activity Cc: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity Subject:
>>>>> [Xmca-l] Re: Watch "Venezuelan Protests: Another Attempt By
>>>> U.S.-Backed Right-Wing Groups To Oust Elected Government?" on
>>>> YouTube
>>>>> Allende 1973 is not Maduro 2014. They are very different
>>>>> leaders and
>>>> their commitment to democracy is substantially different.
>>>> Certainly there are extreme right members in the Venezuelan
>>>> opposition as well. But it is Maduro the one taking the military
>>>> into the streets of Tachira, censuring the media, cutting
>>>> internet access to a full city among many other measures that
>>>> qualify as not properly democratic. And I haven't mentioned the
>>>> actions of the government paramilitary yet. There is many people
>>>> in South America that are not "imperialist" but former opposition
>>>> to Pinochet and other dictatorships denouncing Venezuela's
>>>> government. I am not going to elaborate further because it is off
>>>> topic for most members of this list. Please go directly to the
>>>> websites of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch and see
>>>> what they are reporting Thanks. David
>>>>> Enviado desde mi iPhone
>>>>> El 24-02-2014, a las 8:43, Peter Farruggio
>>>>> <pfarruggio@utpa.edu>
>>>> escribió:
>>>>>> The current situation in Venezuela looks like the typical
>>>>>> imperialist
>>>> "destabilization" tactic against an elected government that is
>>>> not a puppet of Wall Street. Very similar things were done to
>>>> Allende's government in Chile and to Mossadegh's nationalist
>>>> government in Iran in 1953, where operatives in the US embassy
>>>> paid armed street gangs to rampage and incite violence.
>>>>>> It's unfortunate that the corporate media has such a monopoly
>>>>>> on
>>>> information, especially in the US, so that all we seem to get is
>>>> anti-government bias in the "reportage" from Venezuela.
>>>>>> Here are some alternatives
>>>>>> http://wearechange.org/us-supporting-oligarch-coup-attempt-venezuela/
> http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/feb/18/venezuela-protests-us-support-regime-change-mistake
>>>>>> http://rt.com/news/golinger-documents-venezuela-destabilization-299/
> http://venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/6418
>>>>>> ________________________________________ From:
>>>>>> xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu
>>>>>> [xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu]
>>>> on behalf of Dr. Paul C. Mocombe [pmocombe@mocombeian.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 11:47 AM To: eXtended Mind,
>>>>>> Culture, Activity Subject: [Xmca-l] Watch "Venezuelan
>>>>>> Protests: Another Attempt By
>>>> U.S.-Backed Right-Wing Groups To Oust Elected Government?" on
>>>> YouTube
>>>>>> David,
>>>>>> I have some issues with your interpretation of what is going
>>>>>> on
>>>> venezuela...
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVOqhUl6Dp8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
> Dr. Paul C. Mocombe
>>>>>> President The Mocombeian Foundation, Inc. www.mocombeian.com
>>>>>> www.readingroomcurriculum.com www.paulcmocombe.info
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