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Re: [xmca] Dangers of restricting developmental theory to cognition and epistemology -narrowly conceived

Thank you for pointing us back in this direction, Larry. Rick Shweder uses
the term,
moral goods, a lot in his approach to understanding culture in development.
I am just
slouching up to the issue of values in relation to motives and goals.

this is also a path back to considering what "genesis" means in the word,


On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 7:24 AM, Larry Purss <lpscholar2@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mike, Christine, Andy
> The discussions on *concepts* and the other thread with Joseph Glick have
> left me curious to learn more about the *Heinz Werner Institute*
> Joseph's article briefly introducing the biography of Heinz Werner and
> Mike's pointing us in that direction as maybe being *useful* left me
> wanting to know more.
> The trajectory of development may be more like a *capilliary* movement
>  flowing through culture overflowing fuzzy boundaries.
> I wanted to share a resource I located. I googled *Heinz Werner Institute*
> and *moral goods* and found a used book titled *Value Presuppositions In
> Theories of Human Development* edited by Leonard Cirillo and Seymour
> Wapner. Here is the link to google books.http://books.google.ca/books
> http://books.google.ca/books?id=VRou5p-TbegC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Cirillo+and+Wapner&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Z--sUN2hKIjTigKblIG4Bw&redir_esc=y
> This book derives from a conference in 1983 at Clark University sponsored
> by The Heinz Werner Institute.
> The format, where each author presents his or her perspective and then the
> other authors ask questions was excellent for exploring *social goods, as
> moral goods*.
> Thank you for this moment of serendipity.
> Larry
> I
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