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Re: [xmca] RE: The Social Creation of Inequality

Projects have a life cycle. The end of a life cycle (apart form disappearing into nothingness) is objectification. This means fixed material representations, including words as signs for a concept, and social practices which constitute the concepts in practice. But in my view, concepts and institutions all pass through a phase of being projects. But I think that even though calling an institution a project is a bit counter-intuitive, it gives you a good handle on the dynamics, the history and the potential for change.


White, Phillip wrote:
Andy, you wrote:

"I stick to my position, that "institutions" should be regarded as
projects, not tools or material artefacts of any kind (though artefacts
are needed in the realisation of an institution, such as signage,
legislation, all kinds of documents, buildings, uniforms, etc., etc)."

Projects...... an intriguing, to me, idea - institutions as projects - particularly considering the root of the word - and its cousins, like "projectile", etc.

many thanks for this thought.


Phillip White, PhD
University of Colorado Denver
School of Education

*Andy Blunden*
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