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[xmca] Fwd: Eleanor Maccoby Book Award

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From: Michael Tomasello <tomasello@eva.mpg.de>
Date: November 3, 2009 6:32:10 AM GMT-03:00
To: piaget-list@interchange.ubc.ca
Subject: Eleanor Maccoby Book Award
Reply-To: piaget-list@interchange.ubc.ca

Nominations are invited for the 2010 Eleanor Maccoby Book Award given by the APA Division 7 (Developmental). The award is made to the author or authors (not editor or editors) of a book that has had or promises to have a profound effect on the field of developmental psychology. Books published in 2008 and 2009 are eligible for this year’s award. Nominations should be sent to the chair of the Book Award Committee, Michael Tomasello (tomasello@eva.mpg.de), and must include: the author’s name and address, the name of the book, publication date, publisher’s name and address, and a brief description of the book’s content and contribution to the field. Self nominations are welcome. Nominations must be received by December 31, 2009.


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David Preiss

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