Fwd: Linguistic Anthropology Student Essay Prize Competition

From: Peter Smagorinsky (smago@coe.uga.edu)
Date: Thu Mar 17 2005 - 04:58:37 PST

>Annual Student Essay Prize
> The Society for Linguistic Anthropology invites graduate
>and undergraduate students to submit a paper on linguistic
>anthropology. Graduate student winners will receive $100 and
>an invitation to submit their papers for review in the
>Journal of Linguistic Anthropology (JLA), and have their
>names and abstract published in Anthropology News (AN). An
>undergraduate prize will also be awarded if the quality and
>number of entries merits it. Undergraduates will receive
>$100, and will be recognized (along with the faculty member
>for whom the paper was written) in AN.
>Papers will be judged on originality; organization, quality,
>and clarity of writing; cogency of argument; contributions
>to theory with use of empirical materials; and timeliness.
>Papers should be no more than 45 double-spaced pages,
>including bibliography, and should be written using the JLA
>style sheet. Papers that have been submitted for
>publication, but have yet to be accepted are eligible.
>Articles already accepted or published are not eligible.
>Limit one submission per student. Applicants need not be
>members of the SLA to apply. Prizes will be announced at the
>SLA business meeting at the AAA Annual Meeting. Send four
>copies of the manuscript to Leanne Hinton, Dept. of
>Linguistics, 1203 Dwinelle Hall, University of California,
>Berkeley, CA 94720-2650. . Be sure to include a cover letter
>with submission that includes mailing address, telephone
>number, email address and institutional affiliation, and
>specify whether it is a graduate or undergraduate
>submission. The first page of each paper should specify
>paper title, but should not include author's name. Faxed and
>emailed submissions will not be accepted. Deadline for
>submission is March 15, 2005.
>b e t s y r y m e s
>associate professor of language education and linguistics
>125 aderhold hall
>the university of georgia
>athens, ga 30602-7123

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