Re: What's new in classroom configurations

Date: Wed Mar 02 2005 - 04:05:09 PST

What I am waiting for is a dymamic seating / learning environment that
can adapt to different learning situations.

A singular seat with a top (room inside for belongings would be great)
that could be easily moved. They could be lined left to right and front
to back for large presentations or lectures. They could be moved next to
each other (tabletop to tabletop) for partner work. It would also be
nice to set them up in pods of 4 to six at times. Another advantage of
such a design is when more activity is needed they can be stacked on top
of each other against the wall.

Now, that would be revolutionary!

Email: willthereallsvpleasespeakup who-is-at

"The zone of proximal development defines those functions that have not yet matured but are in the process of maturation, functions that will mature tomorrow but are currently in an embryonic state. These functions could be termed the buds or flowers of development rather than the "fruits" of development. The actual developmental level characterizes mental development retrospectively, while the zone of proximal development characterizes mental development prospectively." - L.S.V.

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