RE: hickey article in ESJ

From: Eugene Matusov (
Date: Sun Mar 28 2004 - 17:11:33 PST

Dear xma-ers and ch-sig-ers-

My intention to use an embedded password (which means you can access the
Document Library only through the Home page of the CH-SIG website is motivated only by two reasons:

1) to democratize the use of the library: everyone from xmca or ch sig can
place and access a paper without asking my permission to do so;
2) to minimize a possibility that people outside xmca and sig can find the
Library and exploit it by putting pornography, games, and movies (it
happened in past).

I did not have any Copyright consideration because I think it is up to
people using the SIG website.

What do you think?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Cole []
> Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 6:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: hickey article in ESJ
> Hi Eugene. I assume access to the papers is password protected indicates
> that whoever lets you post their papers on the website might not
> like to have paper generally accessible. That will pass as a gloss
> for what I meant by people's sensitivities. XMCA paper archive is open,
> perhaps because people were simply asked permission to make papers
> for discussion. Perhaps the proper thing to do would be to make it
> protected. I'll have to review that.
> As a contrary case, check Robert Siegler on google and follow that entries
> to his web page where everything is open including a huge number of
> copyrighted papers of his. I wonder how that is possible.
> If there is an appropriate way to let each others readers know about
> accessible interesting papers, great. If not, same ole same ole.
> mike
> PS- Readers AND writers, of course!

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