Re: info on science authors

From: Peter Smagorinsky (
Date: Sun Sep 21 2003 - 11:01:46 PDT

I have found the Handy Answer series to be very useful and informative; see
Apparently they have a pretty big readership outside yours truly. p

At 10:57 AM 9/21/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Bill Nye books are listed at
>I'd guess that more young people know science through The Science Guy than
>just about anything else. Peter
>At 10:53 AM 9/21/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>>Lewis Thomas, e.g.
>>Stephen Hawking, e.g.,
>>Bill Nye
>>At 09:23 AM 9/21/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>>>Hi all,
>>>I am updating a measure of "exposure to print" and to create some items
>>>I need to get some info on which authors are the most famous writers of
>>>science books (e.g. S.J. Gould) in the USA. I am talking about books
>>>addressed to the general public and not to a specialized audience. So,
>>>please feel free to let me know which one you consider to be the public
>>>favorite science authors.
>>>Thanks for your help!
>>>David D. Preiss
>>>Yale University
>>>Department of Psychology
>>>2 Hillhouse Ave.
>>>New Haven, CT

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