
From: Mike Cole (mcole@weber.ucsd.edu)
Date: Wed Nov 21 2001 - 16:07:55 PST

Dear Colleagues,

        Nate says that links to Ken Gergen's paper are up on MCA now-- "One would
just go to links and there they are." A note from Don Cunningham, which I
lost in the blizzard of mail, says that Ken Gergen would not object to his
American Psychologist article being posted for discussion. We could have
a Gergen month! I am particulary interested in new ideas about how to conduct
meaningful cross-cultural research as well as the relations between CHAT
and discursive psychology, a topic which ole-once-upon-a-timer Dave Middleton
has been urging on me ever since we were young men.

      The nice poeple at Erlbaum tell us that they will make a new paper,
the lead article in the most recent mca, a discussion of the communities of
practice metaphor, available soon. I was hoping that soon mean today, but
a visit to the website indicates that Mike Rose's mom is still there. But
that seems right in its way. Still being there was/is her mode of being.

     I have been reminded by my colleague Richard Duran of a set of articles
on methodology by Tharp and Gallimore, about their very interesting ideas
on inquiry and program development. I will be trying to reach them to see if
one of their articles that appeared in the Journal of community psychology in
1982 can be put up for discussion. Seems more than a little worthwhile.

     Although how this will compete with recipes and CNN is not clear to me.
What IS clear is that in two weeks I will be free of teaching three classes
on a half time load, with the prospect of time to write and think beckoning.

     And not travelling around at this time of year clear some nice time too.

     Best wishes for a crisis-minimized holiday to all of you, even as we
shudder at the fate of the people in Kundoz, Manhatten, and other garden
spots. :-(

gobble gobble

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