Re(3): Words as commodity/client

From: Martin Owen (
Date: Mon Sep 10 2001 - 09:21:37 PDT

Sorry Charles, Andy....I should not use throwaway lines on the 'net.

a) Many of my colleagues in Estates, registry, finanace , personnel do
work as a team to develop and transform the university
b) Some of the above have a differnet Object (to me) in the university as
activity system. We see the function of university staff differently.

Notwithstanding any other comments, there are standards of provision which
need to be upheld, which I and other employed people within the university
would seek to maintain ( I keep my e-Learning systems backed up, I have
minimum downtime etc) and I do this not because my students are my
clients, but because it is what I expect to be able to provide as a
learning environment.

Martin Owen
Labordy Dysgu- Learning Lab
Prifysgol Cymru Bangor- University of Wales, Bangor

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