Re: 1987

From: Yrjo Engestrom (
Date: Sun Jun 03 2001 - 11:09:00 PDT

Dear colleagues, some of my afterthoughts to Learning by Expanding are
included in a new introduction which I wrote for the German and Japanese
editions of LBE, which both appeared in 1999. The new intro was actually
written in 1997, that's why it was titled 'ten years after'. I suppose it is
included in the web version of the book - at least I sent it to Nate.


Yrjo Engestrom

> From: Mike Cole <>
> Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 20:15:47 -0700 (PDT)
> To:
> Subject: 1987
> I am curious about people's association with the year, 1987. What were
> various of xmca's members doing in 1987? What theories were they using
> to guide research? What research were they doing?
> Brief summaries would be really helpful to discusion of a book written, I
> presume, between 1985-1987.
> for myself, I can contribute the following.
> In 1986-1987 I was on sabbatical leave at the Chid Dev unit of the Britisyh
> Research Council in England. Cultural psychology, or sociocultural psychology,
> or Vygotsky, or anything connected with such ideas was incomprehensible
> to almost all the people I talked to.
> I was dividing my time between trying to write a book that, 9 years later,
> was published as *Cultural psychology........*, not a title of my choosing,
> but the best that could be arranged on the spot, with 60 seconds to make up
> my mind about how to change the title I had selected.
> And, 18 hour a day efforts to establish "normal" working relationships with
> colleagues in the Soviet Academy of sciences using the, then, exotic medium,
> of email.
> I also spent a couple of months working on my book./lectures in copenhagen
> which a few faithful friends heard through from beginning to end.
> It would take me 10 years to finish the book which became *Cultural
> Psychology....
> ........" in 1996.
> In the spring of 1987 Yrjo completed his doctoral thesis which is the ms
> we have been reading, LBE.
> Those of us left alive at now 14 years older. We interpret the text written
> then through our respective personalities and experience.
> What are they? Having some idea whould help me understand the discusion.
> mike

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