Re: which level?

From: Paul H.Dillon (
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 06:38:51 PDT


I'm sure you know Bateson's theory bettern than I so I'd like you opinion on
my understanding of Learning Levels 0-IV in the language I use to think
about it.

Learning 0 - no learning, even the most elaborate of the wonderful
mechanical machines exhibits no learning, it doesn't change its behavior
under any circumstances. Darwinian evolution occurs at this level since
survival is predicated upon accidental modifications of the material base
that confer survival advantage in given conditions

Learning 1 - conditioned behavior, behavior is modified in relation to a
specific stimulus-response pattern. Skinner learning, Pavlov's Dog.

Learning 2 - learning to recognize the conditions in which behavior becomes
modified and using these as framework. modification of the conditions as a
meta-level for modifying responses. Bateson thought all of these patterns
were organized into systems, call them cultures. People of a given culture
learn specific "frames" that serve them to understand and interpret the
conditions and thereby learn to control the reponses.

Learning 3 - learning multiple systems for interpreting conditions. At the
minimal level, any development of intercultural competences, learning
another language (fluently). At the highest level, as you say, the
characteristics attributed to a spiritual master who sees the conditions of
interpreting any conditions/frames and thereby is liberated from all of
them. The kind of learning humans need to employ as a whole to avoid
self-destruction as a species.

Learning 4 - a hypothetical level of learning sometimes seen in science
fiction or Lamarckian biology whereby learning extends to the material
basis--a kind of phylogenetic/ontogenetic transformative learning in which a
species modifies its own physical constitution in relation to the insights
(?) of Learning 3.

What do you think?

Paul H. Dillon

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