re:poem and related matters

From: Mike Cole (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 16:15:23 PST

Your poem resonated across so may spheres of my current life, Gary, that
it was a little creepy..... up to and including the holding of someone
else's ashes, and a discussion with my lifepartner whose cultural background
says burial at the painful thought of my ashes floating down the Owens

And yes, I am a professor of forgetting and not just in the selective
remembering but in the institutional practices that include "you don't
have to be responsible for the material before the mid-term on the

I am receiving a lot of distressted mail, with diametrically opposed
ideas of what is intolerable about the current disputes over xmca
discourse. And we are all seeing what we are all seeing. And wondering,
will this lead to something that expands experience, or only to the
narrowing that accompanies pain? Or wondering, why are those Americans
so bloody minded (compared, this American asks, to.....?).

Or wondering, might this enterprise have outlived whatever utility it
might once of had? I'll betcha Bruce Jones would not loose any sleep
over tracking own email addresses that their useususers didn't know had been
changed every so quietly beneath them.... in his spare time.

And wondering when I will get the time to read the paper of the month!

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