Re: In Defense of Ilias

Ilias Karasavvidis (karasavvidis who-is-at
Wed, 6 Jan 1999 21:24:00 GMT+100

Nate: I think people are complaining partly because some clients
might not display the whole url on a single line (at least my email
client does not). Anyway, the main page is:
then click on 'research' and then on 'publications'.

Btw, I got well over 200 copies from the publisher so I have sent
quite a few of them to xcma members, at least to those xcma people I
could easily find their postal address.
The problem is that if you go to the xcma profiles page
( and
follow the links, you can easily find *email* addresses but not
necessarily *postal* ones! Is the way we're communicating changing or
is it just me? (Of course you can always email the person and ask for
their postal address but that takes time and I had a couple of hours
to compile a list). Despite shipping copies to a lot of people all
over the globe, I still have some. In the unlikely case that someone
is even remotely interested, please send an email *with* your
postal address.

Regards and best wishes for the new year,

uh... on retrospect, this doesn't really look like a short message at


Ilias Karasavvidis
Department of Curriculum Technology
Faculty of Educational Science and Technology
University of Twente, P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Voice: +31534894473
Fax: +31534892895
Email: Karasavvidis who-is-at
ICQ: 22346378

"The ancient Greeks did not know the main thing
about themselves, that they were _ancient_ Greeks"
Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin