Re: north county times (monday, 10/27/97)

Eva Ekeblad (eva.ekeblad who-is-at
Tue, 28 Oct 1997 17:29:09 +0100

At 09.25 -0500 97-10-28, Judy Diamondstone wrote:
>whence comes this stuff? I'm curious. how did it find us?

Interesting question, Judy.

Seems the person who sent the starter of the thread won't be able to answer
it, though. Lou Coons is not on the receiver list as far as I know. At
least I have not seen any selfdescription. The address is weber.ucsd,



>At 11:38 PM 10/27/97 -0600, you wrote:
>>I'm not suprised! Many of the secondary school teachers in Lubbock
>>Texas are graduates of Texas Tech University, yet my colleague showed me
>>a flier printed by a fourth grade teacher which nearly drove me mad.
>>The grammar was so poor that it took me three readings and a red pen to
>>understand the first sentence! I laughed, but what else could I do? Who
>>will stand up and admit that this teacher was once a student of
>>Allison Boroda
>>Department of Human Development & Family Studies
>>Texas Tech University
>>home e-mail: sense who-is-at
>>Tech e-mail: aboroda who-is-at
>>phone: (806) 762-8145
>>Lou Coons wrote:
>>> Blame 'edu-crats' for dumb kids
>>> Half of fourth-graders who took a new national science test could not
>>> identify the Atlantic and Pacific oceans on a map. That fact may upset
>>> you, but to go by a survey of 900 education professors, few teachers of
>>> teachers are losing sleep over the news.