Re: classroom tech

Rolfe Windward (rwindwar who-is-at
Sun, 24 Aug 1997 10:44:06 -0700

Phillip Cappers characterization of technology in education is strongly
echoed in Don Norman (1993) and the issue of whether 'high' technology will
(and/or should) be subsumed within existing institutional patterns of
schooling is discussed at length by Bob Heinich (1995) who concludes that
computer mediated education must be categorized and studied as a subset of
technology rather than as a subset of education if it is to escape
theoretical trivialization. -Rolfe

Heinich, R. (1995). "The Proper Study of Instructional Technology."
In G. J. Anglin (Ed.), _Instructional Technology: Past, Present, and Future_
(2nd ed., pp. 61-83). Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited.
Norman, D. A. (1993). _Things That Make Us Smart: Defending Human
Attributes in the Age of the Machine_. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Rolfe Windward (Science/Technology Curriculum & Teaching)
"Reason itself is fallible, and this fallibility must find
a place in our logic." -Nicola Abbagnano