Re: doxa and happiness

ENANGEL who-is-at
Sun, 01 Sep 1996 16:29:28 +0800

Thanks for your many thoughtful responses. As I look more into the data,
I see more the individual's agency; people do defy our attempts at
conceptualizing them and their actions. Yet, the postmodernist project(s)
(if there is one) is(are) difficult but perhaps not impossible.

Our conceptualizations seem to be forever simplications of what's much more
complex and multi-faceted. The need for a researcher to do research with
reflexivity further adds to the complexity of the data, the
conceptualizations, and the acts of analyzing and conceptualizing. Like a
2-dimensional ant thrown into a 3-dimensional maze, a researcher tries to
figure her/his way along, groping, testing, trying; what can lead the
researcher out are, apart from logical algorithms and systemic research
methods, perhaps something more, e.g., a belief that there can be (a) way(s)
out, courage that gives the ability to bear with uncertainly and futility, and
a passion for hope--or for the possiblity of hope in this world.

* * *
Oh, well, I'm not actually the philosophical type...
Hope to be able to share more with you later...

Angel Lin
City University of Hong Kong
E-mail: enangel who-is-at