the pledge revisited

SMAGOR who-is-at
Sun, 08 Oct 1995 16:02:02 -0500 (CDT)

A few weeks ago we were discussing how and if people learn the
pledge of allegience in elementary school. I talked about this
issue quite a bit in one of my graduate classes (a program core
course called "Models of Teaching"), and used some of the e-mail
messages to help get the discussions rolling. Last week one
of the students (actually, they're all practicing teachers)
brought me a James Clavell book called "The Children's Story...
but not just for children"--it's a very short book about kids
who must say the pledge but don't understand it. It was
originally published in 1963n now available in paperback from
Dell Publishing. Might be an interesting read for those
who found the discussion on the pledge worthwhile.

Peter Smagorinsky smagor who-is-at