Re: Descartes bashing - NOT!

(no name) ((no email))
Mon, 18 Sep 95 12:14 CDT

Point well taken, Edouard. Descartes was one of the giants
of Western thought, and his accomplishments were so profound
that he is forever saddled with the onus of having an evolving
trend of thought named after him -- a trend that most likely
has evolved at least in certain ways far from what he originally
stood for. So, when I talk about Cartesian, I am referring to
the movement and not the man, but there is just about no other
way to do it, i'm afraid.
ps c'mon though, Edouard, come clean. Descartes is as much a
part of French thought as Confucius is of Chinese thought, and
no French intellectual, even today, can discourse on matters
philosophical without addressing, and most likely acknowledging,
the intellectual talents of the Father of Modern (and Patron of
French) Thought. Even Derrida cannot escape Descartes....