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Re: [xmca] Jones on Learning under capitalism

*Hi Everyone,*
*Don't forget this from  Peter  Smagorinsky (See below).*
*Robert Lake*

In case anyone's interested, I coauthored a book chapter on Freire and
Vygotsky. In my view, they're a hard pair to match, as we outline in the
chapter. I don't have the final pdf but am attaching the last version I
have of the manuscript during editing.
The reference:
Souto-Manning, M., & Smagorinsky, P. (2010). Freire, Vygotsky, and social
justice theories in English education. In sj Miller & D. Kirkland (Eds.),
Change matters: Critical essays on moving social justice research from
theory to policy (pp. 41-51). New York: Peter Lang.

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Tony Whitson <twhitson@udel.edu> wrote:

> I don't know of anyone who's analyzed Freire in terms of CHAT, but it
> would really interesting.
> In Freire's alphabetization/**conscientization work with adult peasants,
> the motivation for the activity is not literacy itself. Literacy is
> attained as a means for conducting the activity that is constructed in
> pursuit of motivating objects that are identified by the learners
> themselve; and there is a systematic use of written artefacts mediating the
> activity.
> On Tue, 1 Nov 2011, Silvio Marquardt wrote:
>  Dear Ana,
> Could you "situate" Freire`s statement within the activity system ?
> "Critical reading" as "Activity" seems to be something worth trying.
> How far is the "Freire-CHAT" debate up to now ?
> Yours, Silvio
> ______________________________**__
> From: Ana Paula B. R. Cortez <apbrcortez@yahoo.com.br>
> To: Haydi Zulfei <haydizulfei@rocketmail.com>; "eXtended Mind, Culture,
> Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, 2 November 2011 12:10 AM
> Subject: Re: [xmca] Jones on Learning under capitalism
> Hello, everyone!
> Here is Freire's definition of reading, in "Carta de Paulo Freire aos
> professores" (Freire's letter to teachers - In Portuguese at:
> http://www.scielo.br/scielo.**php?script=sci_arttext&pid=**
> S0103-40142001000200013<http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-40142001000200013>
> )
> "Ler é uma operação inteligente,    difícil, exigente, mas gratificante.
> Ninguém lê ou estuda    autenticamente se não assume, diante do texto ou do
> objeto da curiosidade    a forma crítica de ser ou de estar sendo sujeito
> da curiosidade, sujeito    da leitura, sujeito do processo de conhecer em
> que se acha. Ler é procurar    buscar criar a compreensão do lido; daí,
> entre outros pontos fundamentais,    a importância do ensino correto da
> leitura e da escrita. É que    ensinar a ler é engajar-se numa experiência
> criativa em torno da compreensão. Da compreensão e da comunicação."
> My free translation of the extract:
> "Reading is an intelligent, difficult, demanding,  but gratifying
> operation. Nobody authentically reads or studies if, facing the text or the
> object of his/her curiosity, he/she doesn't take a critical stance as the
> subject of curiosity, the subject of reading, the subject of the process of
> knowing where he/she is. Reading is to try to create the understanding of
> what's being read; therefore, among other crucial points, there lies the
> importance of teaching reading and writing in a correct way. Teaching how
> to read means engaging in a creative experience revolving understanding.
> Understanding and communication."
> Well, I don't think there is anything else to comment about it.
> Enjoy!
> Ana Paula Cortez
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*Robert Lake  Ed.D.
*Assistant Professor
Social Foundations of Education
Dept. of Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading
Georgia Southern University
P. O. Box 8144
Phone: (912) 478-5125
Fax: (912) 478-5382
Statesboro, GA  30460

 *Democracy must be born anew in every generation, and education is its
*-*John Dewey.
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