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Re: [xmca] Jones on Learning under capitalism

Ana, Your writing about this is certainly not boring!

What you say seems right to me, but I would suggest a modification:

I would differentiate particular activities, with particular goals such as making changes to practices involving local landlords, officials, or merchants, etc., vs. higher-level Activity Systems, which is where the more general identities and social roles are being formed.

Does that make sense?

On Tue, 1 Nov 2011, Ana Paula B. R. Cortez wrote:

Hi, everyone!

As far as I've learned from Freire's pedagogy of the oppressed, all the so-called school activities (for instance, reading, writing) are means to achieve the biggest goal (or tools for/and a result, as stated by Newman & Holzman), which is conquering a (decent) place in society, or building up an identity as a citizen. At the same time these deprived people learn how to read and write, they conquer the right to decide what roles they want to play in society (the object of the activity). So, these skills can be their tools to achieve an objective, at the same time they are objectives themselves. When adults go to school to become literate, they don't just want to read or write (the immediate tool), but to create this new identity. Therefore, we can place literacy as a tool-and-a-result. The means to achieve these goals and the skills acquired on the process could be (as I see them) the new senses and meanings that are created (I don't know if I'm being
clear enough and if I'm placing the items in the correct part of the triangle -  I accept suggestions). I suppose we could place the teaching-learning process in roles and teachers, students, families, the media and the government as the community. Artifacts/tools, for Freire, were not only the text, but any other resources that students felt comfortable with (and could recognize as so).

Anyway, I could write for a while (I love the topic), but I think I could be boring to you.Sorry!
Ana Paula Cortez

De: Silvio Marquardt <marquardtsilvio@yahoo.com>
Para: "eXtended Mind, Culture,   Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>
Enviadas: Terça-feira, 1 de Novembro de 2011 14:20
Assunto: Re: [xmca] Jones on Learning under capitalism

I don`t know for sure myself. 
I think that, eventually, Freire`s Culture Circles could be considered a kind of collective literacy activity as a first step towards engaging in artefacts mediating activity.
What do you think ?



I don't know of anyone who's analyzed Freire in terms of CHAT, but it would really interesting.

In Freire's alphabetization/conscientization work with adult peasants, the motivation for the activity is not literacy itself. Literacy is attained as a means for conducting the activity that is constructed in pursuit of motivating objects that are identified by the learners themselve; and there is a systematic use of written artefacts mediating the activity.

On Tue, 1 Nov 2011, Silvio Marquardt wrote:

Dear Ana,

Could you "situate" Freire`s statement within the activity system ?
"Critical reading" as "Activity" seems to be something worth trying.
How far is the "Freire-CHAT" debate up to now ?

Yours, Silvio

From: Ana Paula B. R. Cortez <apbrcortez@yahoo.com.br>
To: Haydi Zulfei <haydizulfei@rocketmail.com>; "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, 2 November 2011 12:10 AM
Subject: Re: [xmca] Jones on Learning under capitalism

Hello, everyone!

Here is Freire's definition of reading, in "Carta de Paulo Freire aos professores" (Freire's letter to teachers - In Portuguese at:  http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-40142001000200013)

"Ler é uma operação inteligente,    difícil, exigente, mas gratificante. Ninguém lê ou estuda    autenticamente se não assume, diante do texto ou do objeto da curiosidade    a forma crítica de ser ou de estar sendo sujeito da curiosidade, sujeito    da leitura, sujeito do processo de conhecer em que se acha. Ler é procurar    buscar criar a compreensão do lido; daí, entre outros pontos fundamentais,    a importância do ensino correto da leitura e da escrita. É que    ensinar a ler é engajar-se numa experiência criativa em torno da compreensão. Da compreensão e da comunicação."

My free translation of the extract:

"Reading is an intelligent, difficult, demanding,  but gratifying operation. Nobody authentically reads or studies if, facing the text or the object of his/her curiosity, he/she doesn't take a critical stance as the subject of curiosity, the subject of reading, the subject of the process of knowing where he/she is. Reading is to try to create the understanding of what's being read; therefore, among other crucial points, there lies the importance of teaching reading and writing in a correct way. Teaching how to read means engaging in a creative experience revolving understanding. Understanding and communication."

Well, I don't think there is anything else to comment about it.
Ana Paula Cortez
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 are obliged to read the same story everywhere"
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