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RE: [xmca] copy of Change Lab paper

We sign at different points (IRBs, grants, etc) and it comes up in annual job reviews and PT... I think it is also in our faculty handbook.
Peter, that article interesting... It made me wonder how many faculty 'moonlight', why they do so, and what they do?

Emily Duvall, PhD
Assistant Professor of Curriculum & Instruction
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience
University of Idaho, Coeur d'Alene
1031 North Academic Way, Suite 242 | Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 
T 208 292 2512 | F 208 667 5275 emily@uidaho.edu | www.cda.uidaho.edu 

He only earns his freedom and his life, who takes them every day by storm. 
-- Johann Wolfgang Goethe 

-----Original Message-----
From: xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu [mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu] On Behalf Of smago
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2010 10:02 AM
To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
Subject: RE: [xmca] copy of Change Lab paper

Scroll to the bottom of http://www.busfin.uga.edu/forms/security_oath.pdf to see the loyalty oath required of Georgia System employees. I also had to sign one at the U. of Oklahoma where I taught from 1990-8. I don't violate the constitutions of Georgia or the USA that I know of, but some cases are interesting. See e.g. http://chronicle.com/article/article-content/124369/ . 

-----Original Message-----
From: xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu [mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu] On Behalf Of mike cole
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2010 12:55 PM
To: Yrjö Engeström
Cc: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
Subject: Re: [xmca] copy of Change Lab paper

Hi Yrjo-- Great that you had time to write.

I guess I just never noticed the trade mark before. It seemed to speak to
the issue of commercialization that came up a couple of weeks ago.

As to what would happen if some consulting companies copied our ideas, our
name, and went out to make money on them? Yes, its a problem. Like Jean Lave
developing the idea of community of practice and being told not to use the
term because Xerox had the trade mark (or so the rumor goes).

The words, 5th Dimension, were not first employed by LCHC, although we used
them in a somewhat unusual way. Remember the band? Probably their name is
trademarked and we are infringing... except that we are too insignificant to
bother with.

My own position, having been raised in California, completed a public
university when it was a public university (now about 80 % privatized), is
that I am bound by my contract as a faculty member to give away my ideas.
The University makes me sign some document these days that says if I invent
something, they get a cut. (Back when i attended UCLA professors had to sign
a loyalty oath... those times may be coming back in addition to
privatization, unfortunately).

I think a really productive discussion could focus on the differences
between what is possible in terms of research in different
socio-political-economic circumstances. The US has gone hyper neoliberal
capitalist, as if everyone was reading Das Kapital. Finland has moved in the
same direction, but perhaps retains some of its past. Brazil has its
restrictions, etc. How does this affect the potentials for developing CHAT
research as a public good? What public?

Meantime, we'll keep trying to give it away. Its all I know how to do, or
care to do.

2010/10/2 Yrjö Engeström <yrjo.engestrom@helsinki.fi>

> Mike, for your information, we got a registered trade mark for the Change
> Lab already in the 1990s for the simple reason that some consulting
> companies started to use the name and some elements of the method, watered
> down or mutilated in many ways, for their commercial purposes.
> What if you saw your 5D being used like that?
> Cheers,
> Yrjö
> mike cole kirjoitti 2.10.2010 kello 2.22:
>  Mine opened. Thanks very much for sending it, Sarah. I can forward if that
>> helps, Mary.
>> And guess what?
>> Its not the Change Lab any more. Its the change lab (registered trade
>> mark!).
>> Quick, somone, register lchc before it too goes overseas!!
>> I am having the devil's own time keeping up with this modern generation.
>> mike
>> On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Katerina Plakitsi <kplakits@gmail.com
>> >wrote:
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> From: "Sarah Eagle" <s.eagle@bristol.ac.uk>
>>> Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 2:23 PM
>>> To: "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>
>>> Subject: Re: [xmca] copy of Change Lab paper
>>> Dear Mary
>>>> The paper is available online at
>>>> http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/ifi/INF5220/h04/undervisningsmateriale/EngestromEtAl_ChangeLab.doc
>>>> On 1 October 2010 10:01, Mary van der Riet <vanderriet@ukzn.ac.za>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>  Does anyone have a copy of
>>>>> Engeström, Y., Virkkunen, J., Helle, M., Pihlaja, J. & Poikela, R.
>>>>> (1996). The Change laboratory as a tool for transforming work. Lifelong
>>>>> Learning in Europe, 1(2), 10-17.
>>>>> thanks
>>>>> Mary
>>>>> Mary van der Riet; School of Psychology; University of KwaZulu-Natal
>>>>> Private Bag X01, Scottsville, 3209
>>>>> email: vanderriet@ukzn.ac.za
>>>>> tel: 033 260 6163;  fax: 033 2605809
>>>>> Please find our Email Disclaimer here:
>>>>> http://www.ukzn.ac.za/disclaimer/
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