Re: [xmca] Wells article

From: Natalia Gajdamaschko <nataliag who-is-at>
Date: Thu Oct 04 2007 - 10:57:52 PDT
('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Hi Peter and Deal All!
I was thinking about the same thing --- what is the connection between
"discoursing" and "rechevaya deyatel'nost'" (speech activity, language
activity) in A.A.Leont'ev theory.
In any, of course.
I am not ready (yet) to compare and contrast but thought to let you, Peter,
know, that we have some telepathy going on between us this morning.

On Thu, 04 Oct 2007 13:08:19 -0400 wrote:
> Hi, everyone:
> I'm hung up on just one point in trying to read the Wells article
> about the relation between discourse and activity.
> What is the relation between "discourse" as used here and (the Russian
> word) "obshchenie," usually translated as either "social interaction"
> or "communication"?
> And if these are close -- if they both basically mean speech
> communication -- then why does the article not reference any Russian
> works specifically on the relation between activity and "obshchenie"?
> I especially have in mind A. A. Leontiev's major book, "Psikhologiya
> obshcheniya (The psychology of communication)." available online (e.g.
> Chapter 3) at:
> Thanks,
> Peter
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