[xmca] Another Textological Question

From: David Kellogg <vaughndogblack who-is-at yahoo.com>
Date: Fri Apr 27 2007 - 16:42:28 PDT

On page 507 of Chukovsky's diary (2005, Yale University Press), Chukovsky receives a copy of Vygotsky's "Psychology of Art" from "Koma", who turns out to be none other than V. V. Ivanov, the novelist. The inscription is (translated as) "Read this book extraordinary/Don't forget the Koma-ntery".
  Interestingly, the 1971 MIT edition of "The Psychology of Art" contains commentary by V. V. Ivanov (pp. 265-295). I wonder...could it be the SAME volume? The obvious source would be his grand-daughter and literary executor, Elena Chukovskaya.
  I'm also starting to rethink my views on Chukovsky's anti-semitism. While he is certainly strongly anti-semitic during the twenties, he eventually decides that anti-semitism is a smokescreen for Stalinist anti-intellectualism, and there is far more hatred of the "Black Hundreds" anti-semites than of the "Yids" in his pages.
  Finally, I'm starting to wonder if the criticism that Vygotsky expresses of Chukovsky's "Crocodile" in "Educational Psychology", so apparently at variance with his attitude towards fairy tales and fantasy in "Psychology of Art" and even "The Role of Play in Development", were simply the views of his boss Krupskaya.... That would explain why they appear in a footnote.
  David Kellogg
  Seoul National University of Education

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