Re: musing and blocks

Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 20:42:11 PDT

Bill and the other muses,

Thank you for the reference to the page in Kozulin's 1999 edition of T & L.
In rereading I am reminded of thoughts I first encountered upon reading this
specific edition regarding Vygotsky and his limited explanantion as to
experimental practice and something I haven't reconsidered in the year since
that first reading; it is my belief that for Vygotsky the material of
providing the method of double stimulation [MDS] is immaterial it is more the
proof of this as a priori event in the development of an individual's novel
behavior. In the original chapter entitled "Thinking & Speech" [vygotsky
1997 edited by Glick] Vygotsky uses the crude analogy of a cigarette and not

Therefore when discussing MDS I believe it is more important to discuss what
this construct can provide for the study of novel behaviors, specifically in
activities that are goal orientated [i.e. securing a job or completing a
project]. In my humble opinion MDS can be studied using these blocks but the
study should not end there but rather be directed towards more generalizable

This generalization of MDS can be found in Valsiner's separation of
Vygotsky's ZBR into the Zone of free movement/zone of promoted action and the
resulting zone of proximal development. Yes, to all you purist who do not
separate social from individual this line of thinking would discuss the
internalization of cultural signs and artifacts.

muse, muse :)


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