Fwd: Chair Search

From: Peter Smagorinsky (psmagorinsky@home.com)
Date: Wed Oct 10 2001 - 02:52:49 PDT

>Department Chair
>The Department of Education at Washington University in St. Louis invites
>applications for the position of Department Chair. This is a tenured
>position at the associate or full professor level. Applicants are
>expected to have an outstanding research and publication record.
>Preference will be given to those who are committed to exploring links
>between theory and problems of practice.
>Located in the College of Arts and Sciences at WU, the Department
>contributes to interdisciplinary programs across campus and works
>extensively with other departments and schools to recruit outstanding
>undergraduate and graduate students. The Department offers programs at
>the B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. levels.
>Individuals wishing to apply for this position should submit a letter of
>application outlining teaching and research interests along with
>curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation to:
>Richard J. Smith
>Chair, Search Committee
>Campus Box 1183
>Washington University
>One Brookings Drive
>St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
>The search committee will give priority to applications received by
>December 15,2001 but will consider applications received after that date
>as well. The review of applications will continue until the position is
>filled. The preferred starting date for the position is the fall of 2002.
>We especially encourage applications from women and members of minority
>groups. Washington University is an equal opportunity employer.
>Employment eligibility verification required upon hire.

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