against wars

From: ignacio dalton (
Date: Thu Sep 20 2001 - 08:56:25 PDT

One decision made causes effects in people´s lives.
One troop sent to a place causes death in advance.
Nothing can be compared to anything except Life.

All of us spend time reading and thinking about
Vygotsky , etc, etc.

What kind of reaction might he have about all this
Can we still proclaim our wisdom with the same ego?
How we help to others?

Petition are helpfull tools to make politicians react,
but we need better daily thoughts than we have to make
others to change behaviors, thoughts, and knowledge.
Therefore, things may change.
This situation may change once we accept our mistakes,
our daily mistakes.
Nothing will not be the same anymore...
We must decide what decision we make. What part we are
for... We must think. In this case, there is no
Thus, wars are not the best options to achieve.

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