Re(2): Writing is learning

From: Wolff-Michael Roth (
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 05:15:11 PDT

At 12:08 AM -0600 4/24/01, Diane Hodges wrote:
>eva, Michael,
>the idea that writing is learning is, to me, constrained.

It is lived experience. Don't you think that sentences like yours are
silencing? That they undermine the lived experience of the Other
(me)? (I have no clues about writing theory...) What do we do to the
author when we say his/her way of experiencing is inauthentic,
constrained etc.?

>i recall that experience of discovery while writing - the reality that
>meaning changes in text, that what i SAY - READ - WRITE - all represent
>alternate contexts of language for most; such that the question becomes
>NOT what do you believe but to what can you commit?

I understand meaning to be neither in the text nor behind the text.
Of beliefs, I suggested in the past that it might be better to look
at them in terms of "belief talk". . . The statement by Ricoeur that
there is always already an understanding that envelops explanation
seems very interesting in that respect.

>i have to admit, the more institutionally-skilled i became in language,
>the more critical that question seemed.

It may be that there are quite different experiences of writing,
yours related to institution, mine to an absorbed coping and a way of



---------------------------------------------------- Wolff-Michael Roth Lansdowne Professor Applied Cognitive Science MacLaurin Building A548 Tel: (250) 721-7885 University of Victoria FAX: (250) 472-4616 Victoria, BC, V8W 3N4 Email: ----------------------------------------------------

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